“...I sat waiting as the bank customers stood in their perfect lines. i could smell them all and the stench of desperation made my back tingle and squirm as my hair shifted. not yet, i thought as i saw the clock strike the hour and the guards switched over. they left the door open and i saw my queue. i felt the tension drop as i stopped holding myself in. screams echoed in my ears as people saw a monster. it was too late, my tendrils whipped about and wrapped them tight as i waited for my friends to arrive...”

The Sorcerous Origin


Alter your body to achieve the
ultimate form of destruction

Key Feature


Add biological or mechanical
augmentations to your body

Class Features
  • 1
    • The Origin
    • Sticking Out in A Crowd
    • Augments
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
    • Overdrive
    • Further AugMents
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
    • Greater Augments
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
    • Master of Body
  • 19
  • 20

1st level feature

The Origin

When you first make your character you can choose to start with an augment that is relevant to your history. When you do so you may pick one augment from either the Bio-Mutation or Mechanist table. You can select a second augment at 2nd level.

Optional variant

You can also choose to take this at 2nd level instead as part of the campaign story. Work with your DM to weave in how you might go about getting your first augment. If you select this variant then you gain two augments at 2nd level.

The Bio Mutation Origins

Willing gave body to science
Mutated in the womb by science
Altered against will
Accident gone wrong
Child of mutants
Dormant genes

When you take this origin you can gain proficiency in Strength instead of either Charisma or Constitution. Your spell modifier is now Strength or Charisma

The Mechanist Origins

Willing gave body to science
Overcome deformity
Altered against will
Accident gone wrong
Overcome mediocrity
Required for Employment

When you take this origin you can gain proficiency in Intelligence instead of Charisma or Constitution. Your spell modifier is now Intelligence or Charisma

1st level feature

Sticking out in A Crowd

“What are you looking at?”

Your mutations make it hard for you to blend in. To make life more bearable you have the ability to hide them away to be more presentable to society.

You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot. However when cast this way you cannot alter your face or body outside its expected appearance to make you seem normal.

1st level key feature


The flesh is weak, I must evolve beyond it

These augments help improve your body to become more that what nature could possibly give you. They belong to either the Bio-Mutation or Mechanist pathways. You can mix and match between the two if you wish. Once you augment yourself, you are unable to undo it except via a wish, regenerate spell or story plot that you can discuss with your DM.

Bio Mutation

Grow 2 tentacles at 5ft long anywhere on your body you want.
You gain 10ft reach.

As an action, you can use one of them to try to grapple a creature. Each one is also a natural weapon, which you can use to make an unarmed strike. If you hit with it, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Immediately after hitting, you can try to grapple the target as a bonus action. These can use objects. You can take this multiple times to grow more tentacles.

Overdrive: You can make 2 additional attacks with your tentacles

Grow wings with a flight speed of 30ft. These can be insect, bat or bird like.

Flight speed increases to 50ft

You grow animal like teeth, mandibles or fangs. As a bonus action you can make a bite attack dealing 1d6 + STR.

Deal 1d12 + STR
Digitigrade legs:

Your legs become much better suited to high speeds. Your movement speed increases to 40ft.

Movement speed increases to 60ft.
Extra arms:

You grow a pair of extra arms. These can be used like normal arms. You can use a bonus action to make a weapon attack, use a magic item or cast a cantrip.

You can make 1 extra attack.

When you are knocked prone or you a fall you can make a DEX save at DC10 to remain upright.

You are immune to being knocked prone or falling.

You gain dark vision for 120ft.

You can see through magical darkness.
Extra eyes:

You grow extra eyes on your body. You gain advantage on perception checks and can’t be surprised.

You gain +10 to perception.

Your skin changes to one of the following:Hardened - Gain +1AC
Fur - Resistance to Cold & Fire Damage
Transparent Skin - Advantage on Stealth
Luminescent - Advantage on Performance checks

Gain an addition skin feature

As an action, you can spray acid from glands in your mouth, targeting one creature or object you can see within 30 feet of you. The target takes 2d10 acid damage. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 11th level (3d10) and 17th level (4d10). You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

If they fail on a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus then gain the poisoned condition.
Extra mouth:

Gain an extra mouth on your body, it can be as small as your regular one or much larger. You can make a bite attack as an action dealing  2d10 piercing damage. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 11th level (3d10) and 17th level (4d10). You heal for half the damage dealt. You also gain advantage on frightening creatures.

Heal for full amount dealt.

Gain Advantage on Insight checks. You can hear conversations up to 40ft away clearly.

Overdrive Gain +10 to Insight Checks
Big arms:

Your arms become insanely large. Gain +2 STR to ability checks, saving throws and attacks.

Gain +3 STR
Spider legs:

You grow extra spider legs that lets you climb at your walking speed. Your jump distance doubles.

You gain +10 to climbing speed and jump distance.

You can breathe air and water, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Your swimming speed increases by +20

Claws protrude from your arms. Your unarmed attacks increase to 1d8 + STR

Your attacks increase to 1d12
Chameleon Skin:

When stationary and within 5feet of an object you are considered invisible to all creatures outside of a 10ft radius. A creature can make a INT check to see through this optical illusion, DC 8 + CON modifier + proficiency bonus.

Overdrive: No creature can detect you, no matter there distance from you without an INT check.

As a bonus action you can use your tongue to strike an enemy at 15 ft. Target makes a DEX saving throw DC 8 + STR Modifier + Proficiency Bonus. On a failure it is pulled towards you 10feet.

Increase range from 15ft to 30ft and pull range from 10ft to 20ft.

If you dash at least 15ft you can deal 1d6 bonus damage against a target and they must make a STR save verse your spell save or be knocked back 5ft.

Deal 1d12 dmg and knock back 15ft.

You can flatten your body down and pass through spaces no smaller than 2 inches wide.

You can go under spaces no smaller than half an inch.

You alter body to be the most stunning possible version of yourself. Your shape, sex, voice and anything else you wish is altered. You gain expertise in an either Persuasion or intimidation.

You gain advantage on Charisma Ability Checks
Wall buster:

You add or replace an arm with incredible strength. You can deal 5d8 dmg and double dmg to objects.
Can be used once per long rest.

You can deal 8d8 dmg.
New legs:

You replace your legs to become much better suited to high speeds. Your movement speed increases to 40ft.

Movement speed increases to 60ft.
New eyes:

You can cast spells from your eyes mitigating the need for somatic components. You can also only be blinded by magical means.

You can see in darkness as you would in daytime.
Additional arm:

You attach an extra arm. These can be used like a normal arm. You can use a bonus action to make a weapon attack, use a magic item or cast a cantrip.

You can make 1 extra attack.

You can propel yourself into the air giving yourself a flight speed of 30ft. This can be through thrusters on appendages or jetpack

Flight speed increases to 50ft
Two minds:

You gain advantage on concentration saves.

: You can concentrate on two spells at once for two rounds. At the end of these rounds, choose one of the spells to continue concentrating on.
Processing power:

Gives advantage on all INT checks.

Overdrive: +10 to all INT checks

You can make two bonus actions.

You can make an additional action.
Extra hp:

Gain 2d6 temp HP every morning.

Increase max HP by 2d6.
Mind shield:

Your mind can’t be read and are immune to being charmed.

Anyone who tries to read your mind takes 1d8 Psychic dmg.
Lightning attachment:

You can cast shocking grasp with a range of 10ft. If a creature moves outside of your melee attack range you can make use this spell as an opportunity attack.  

You can cast lightning Bolt
Flame attachment:

You cast firebolt as a bonus action.

You can cast Fireball.
Blade attachment:

You attach blades into your limbs. Your unarmed attacks increase to 1d8 + DEX and deal slashing damage.

Your attacks increase to 1d12+DEX
Underwater adaption:

You can breathe air and water, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Your swimming speed increases by +20
Embedded Tools:

You have a tool kit of your choice embedded into your body to use at will. You also have proficiency in those tools

You can expertise in the Embedded Tools
Universal translator:

You can read and speak all languages

You can decipher hidden messages
Abundant Memory:

You always know which way is South, you always know the time, you can recall anything you’ve seen or heard within the last 14 days.

You add +4 to history checks
Target lock:

You can double your INT modifier to spell attacks.

: You add an can add your INT modifier to spell dmg.
Spell shield:

You know the spell Shield without having to prepare it.

Overdrive: You can cast the spell Shield without expending a spell slot.
Telescopic Vision:
You can see in detail up to 4 miles away.

Heavily Obscured areas like fog do not impede your vision.
Work of Art:

You alter your body with beautiful artistic metal work. Creating a form more art than naturally possible. Precious gems, metals and paint may make up your new form. This may also be something that inspires terror instead. You gain expertise in an either Persuasion or intimidation.

You gain advantage on Charisma Ability Checks

6th level feature


“I am unleashed”

Using Sorcery Points to enhance your augmented abilities. at the cost of 2 sorcery points you can overdrive your augments.

See the Augment list for the effects.

6th level feature

Further Augments

“It is not enough, I must adapt”

Pick two more augments from the Bio-mutation or the Mechanist list.

14th level feature

Greater Augments

“Look upon me, I have become perfection”

Pick two further augments from the Bio-Mutation or the Mechanist list

18th level feature

Master of the body

“The evolution of our species is ours to decide”

You are at the zenith of your augmentations. Based on the path you have chosen you get the following trait.

Master of flesh (all Bio Mutation Augments)

You can grow two additional augments from the Bio Mutations list for 10 minutes. Once per short rest.

Master of the potential (Combination of both)

The cost to overdrive your augments decreased to 1 Sorcery Point. This can be done 3 times per day

Master of metal (All Mechanist Augments)

Each morning you can swap out any of your 6 augments for any other Mechanist augments


Time To Upgrade

Time to Upgrade
Getting Into Character

        Augments are some of the more peculiar sorcerers. Rather than focusing on their innate abilities they choose to alter their bodies to become something even more powerful.

       Whether it be through bio-engineering or rudimentary cybernetics, they push the boundaries of what nature intends. Constantly evolving into what they see as perfection.

   To some they are monsters, to others they are gods. Turning heads and garnering attention wherever they wander.

The Augmentation Origin is for people who enjoy to play characters with a love for pushing the boundaries of what they can do next. These Sorcerers offer people a chance to explore the potential of evolution.

Think of characters like
Inspector Gadget
Seven of Nine
Role in the group

the wild

With a near endless combination of augments, this Sorcerer can shift and adapt to any setting or situation. With Bio-Mutations giving them the ability to fight on the front lines and Mechanist allowing them to enhance their magic.

Augment Sorcerers have a hard time making friends and it does them well to surround themselves with people who accept who they are. Allowing others to protect them when the towns folk come knocking.

“I was born weak and feeble, but I have become far more than anyone could imagine.”
Grant Tolsonte


     Augments are no strangers to change. Always seeking to improvement themselves mentally and physically to reach their goals of perfection. Shunned by many they are individualists by nature and keep to themselves even in social events.


     Fearfully that people will see the monster first, they reactively push people away. But should they prove to see them for who they really are they become devoted and loyal to the few who they can trust.


     They often see others as either weak in their normal bodies or something to aspire too. Their desires to continuously improve themselves can sometimes take them to the edge of rationality and even beyond into questionable areas. They are chaotic by nature and believe rules are made to be reforged.


     Augments tend to spend their downtime either researching ways to improve themselves or trying to live a normal enough life. While their condition might make that difficult, they see it a challenge to overcome.

Short Story

The Change

A short teaser for a narrative
Read the Story
Download The PDF

A handy reference guide for playing as The Bounty Hunter in your game.


Coming Soon

Explore other subclasses