You target a creature and cause them to rapidly mutate. Their body shifts and changes into something new. They must make a CON saving throw or be changed. You can give them one of the following mutations in the table below, once a target is affected by this spell they can not be affected by it again until that mutation is reverted.. A greater restoration can revert this changed if cast within 7 days. Otherwise this becomes their permanent form for the sake of restorative spells. A wish spell can revert the target back to their original state. You can target yourself.
Roll | Mutation |
1 | Multi-limbs: The target grows up to 2 extra limbs of your choice. The target can use a bonus action to make a weapon attack, use a magic item or cast a cantrip. |
2 | Monster Arms: The target's arms become monstrous. You can pick their form. They either gain +2 STR or +2 DEX |
3 | Tail: The target grows a tail of a form you decide or fuse their legs into a tail. They become immune to being knocked prone. |
4 | Alteration: The targets body is alter to be a new version of themselves. Their shape, sex, voice and anything else you wish is altered. |
5 | Monster: You cause their body to mutate into a hideous monstrous form. Work with your DM to determine this form |
6 | Skin: The target's skin changes into either fur, scales, plates or an exo-skeleton |
7 | Evolution: Their body evolves to the next form for their race. Work with your DM to determine this form |
8 | Animal Head: Their head becomes that of a animal of your choice at an appropriate size for their body. |
9 | Chimera: You cause additional animal limbs or features to sprout from their body. |
10 | Devolve: Their body devolves into something more primitive. Work with your DM to determine this form |