You create an illusion of an object, location, weather event, super natural phenomena, natural event, group of creatures, or landscape up to 2 miles across. This illusion can be interacted with and feels real to those who are within its space. You can have the illusion follow commands and it can adapt to outside input. The illusion can damage creatures, but when they die they are instead hidden and placed into stasis until the illusion ends at which point they waken at the same health they entered the illusion at. While in stasis they do not age and can not be harmed by non-magical means. If you cast this spell every 7days for 1 year then the illusion manifests itself into becoming real on a successful DC25 CHA saving throw. If the manifestation becomes real, any deity or higher power that has sway over that location is alerted. You can choose for creatures in stasis to either die or return to life at full health in the manifestation where they last were.